Sunday, 5 January 2014

Connecting to a Jolla via SSH over USB from OSX

Out of the box it is not possible to connect to your new Jolla via SSH over USB from OSX.

This is inconvenient: for instance I do lots of development work on the train, where there is no WLAN (or rather it there is, but not free), or at work, where I can't connect the Jolla to the corporate network, and have not got it (yet) to connect to the Visitor WLAN.

But with a bit of tweaking it is possible to get an SSH over USB connection going.

Connecting to a Jolla with a RSA Key File for password-less SSH Access

In a much earlier article, I showed how we can connect to a Nokia N9 phone with an RSA key for pas wordless SSH access in much the same way we connect to the Sailfish Emulator and SDK.

Surprise surprise, exactly the same is possible with a real Jolla device. No more typing in long passwords!

Black Courier shows commands typed on your development host.

Blue Courier shows commands typed on your Jolla (via SSH).

This article show how to do this for OSX and Linux. With a few extra steps, the same should be possible from Windows using Putty. See the previous example on connecting via Putty.